
  • How can individual therapy help?

    You may seek therapy to cope with mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression, and anxiety, so you can manage these symptoms well and live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

    Perhaps you don’t have a diagnosis but find yourself feeling stuck or not like yourself and need support achieving personal growth and a deeper understanding of yourself.

    Many people start therapy after uncovering different elements of themselves or their past, in order to process these significant events, establish a stronger sense of self, and create meaning.

    Treatment Modalities:

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) Prolonged Exposure (PE) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) Psychodynamic therapy

    Treatment Approach:

    I use an integrated approach to treatment tailored to one’s concerns, goals, and cultural identities. I’m convinced that effective treatment is rooted in understanding a person in a holistic manner and collaboratively developing a treatment that relates with their cultural background and identities.

    Treatment can only be successful and the benefits longstanding, when it addresses the whole person, the conglomerate of one's past, present, inner life, and external environment, rather than targeting mere symptoms.

  • How can couples therapy help?

    You and your partner may be stuck doing the same thing over and over again, despite wanting to change, and this adds frustration to original cause of conflict. Couples seek out therapy for many reasons, for example, financial disagreement, parenting differences, infidelity, feeling undermined/over-burdened, sexual dissatisfaction, and frequent arguments. However, the heart of the cause often lies in lack of emotional safety and vulnerability.

    Treatment Modalities:

    Emotion Focused Couples Therapy Psychodynamic Therapy

    Treatment Approach:

    I can help you and your partner listen intently and understand your core needs, fears, and desires. When you and your partner understand each other more intimately and create space for the healing experience of feeling seen and known, you can begin to create a safe haven in your relationship instead of an intimidating space riddled with defensiveness, criticism, and hurt.

    In addition, you can learn to identify ineffective patterns of communicating and relating, which were likely learned in childhood. By trying something new, with the wisdom from seeing each other more accurately, you can create a more effective pattern that will lead to needs getting met, safety, and the deep satisfaction of being known and accepted.

  • If Korean is your native tongue, Inner Haven Psychology partners with WITH Counseling & Coaching, to connect you to a Korean speaking counselor. You can obtain individual and couples counseling and assessment services conducted in Korean at WITH.


    위드카운슬링과 코칭 센터는 삶의 변화와 성장이 필요한 사람, 마음이 지치고 힘든 분, 삶의 여정에서 고민과 선택으로 갈등하는 이들에게 따뜻한 공감과 통찰력으로 문제해결을 도와드립니다.

    위드카운슬링과 코칭 대표 장병임은 부산교육대학교를 졸업하고 8년간 초등학교 교사를 거쳐 미국 Southern University at Shreveport 에서 'Early Childhood Development’ 과정을 수료하였습니다.

    미국에서 10여 년 간 일과 학업을 병행하며 체류하는 동안 폭넓고 다양한 삶의 관점과 방식을 이해하게 되었고, 한국에서 심리 정서적 어려움을 겪는 사람들을 전문적으로 돕고자 상담 코칭학 석사와 박사 과정을 수료하였습니다.

    저서로 <불안이 내게 말을 걸어 올 때>가 있습니다.

    현재 위드카운슬링과 코칭 대표로 있으면서 개인 및 부부상담을 진행하고 있으며 대학과 교육청, 경찰청 등 공공기관과 일반인을 대상으로 부모교육과 마음 돌봄 강의, 그림책 마음 테라피, 공감인문학을 강연하고 있습니다.


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    2. MBTI를 활용한 진로탐색, 자녀양육, 갈등관리 등 다양한 분야에 적용할 수 있습니다.

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